Tuesday, March 15, 2005

An introduction...

Inspired to write a blog about something I am personal about rather than about personal stuff, it was easy to choose this subject. For a while I have been interested in making the World a better place -reading about Sustainable Development, learning how the World works and so forth.

I am greatly interested in CSR -Corporate Social Responsibility. For those of you who have heard of this concept before you will also have frequently come across the term CR -Corporate Responsibility (why just social?). Once could argue over this, but not right now. Also, CSRers will be aware of the usefulness of the tools etc developed for the purpose of CSR, and that they should be applied in non-corporate organisations as well. Hence, the 'C' is being dropped too.

I wanted to mention this, because, this reasoning is absolutely not the way I see responsibility. I see responsibility not as a definition, but as a condition. For you to exist, you must take some responsibility for ensuring your continued existence, and as this is so related to others (from 1 to 6 billion), you must therefore have a responsibility to the World you, we, live in.

If everyone was responsible, if everyone realised that responsibility is an attitude -and one that we should possess- and if everyone realised that responsibility it not a time based concept, then the World would truly be a better place. What I think 'better' means will be developed in future posts, but I do want to explain more on the 'time' concept.

Each individual needs to think about their own future as well as their present. We need to realise that our current actions impact our future actions: the near future and the distant future. We need to realise that how we act now influences how we will react in the future in similar or future scenarios; and thus to make the right decision now, will make future decisions easier (or ideally, decisions on the same subject, unnecessary). We need to be aware of how we spend our time, and realise that an investment in time now, will save time in the future. This means we have more time to spend -more time to spend on doing whatever we want; more time to make our own (and if you choose, others) lives better.

Finally, for me, responsibility is a personal thing. Be responsible -be ethical -be true to yourself. By doing this, we will inevitably translate this into our actions, and our interactions with others. This is leadership -it starts with yourself, and it extends to how to deal with others.

So, if this introduction has made you interested, or made you think, then stay tuned, and I'll do my best...

p.s. please excuse any spelling mistakes in this or other posts. I'm native english, but when my thoughts flow, spelling is not a consideration

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